Friday, December 19, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Happy birthday to me!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

true story

I was just emptying the money from the copy machine into the money bag when I saw a very thin body plop down beside me on the floor. This was accompanied by a tiny voice saying, "Would you like some help with that, Miss?" I, of course, agree, asking her to find some quarters from the change bin so I could refill the holder. I thanked her, getting ready to ask if she'd like to hold open the bag and help me upend the change bucket in to the bag. But she disappeared. I'm going to call her my Ghost of Copy Machine Money Present.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Update

I know you're all dying to know, so I'll tell you this way as it's easier to get everyone at the same time.

I have officially met the parents. Yes, you read that right. This past Saturday I met the Man's parents. The good news: I really like them. The better news: they don't hate me. Now I'm kind of wondering why I was so worried about meeting them. Really, though, can you blame me?