Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Library Etiquette

Part one- Books on hold.

Just like everyone else (you know, those underpriveleged people who don't work at the library), we are excited to get here and find out we have books waiting to be picked up. The new book smell! The crisp, unblemished pages! The crinkle of the cover when you finally crack the spine! The anticipation of the story- the beautiful, wonderful, glorious story! Yes, we understand the enthusiasm that creeps up on those who have books eagerly awaiting them on the shelves.

What we do not understand, however, is the need to come up to us at the desk, throw the card (much in the manner of skipping stones without the skipping), and stare at us as if we should know exactly what is wanted. Are there fines to pay? Wanting to renew your card? Perhaps making sure we have the correct email address? OH! There are holds! Silly us. And here we thought we were looking exceptionally well today in our business casual attire that one couldn't stop staring at us. Let us just scan that card, slide it back and get the book all checked out and wrapped in a bag.

Thanks ever so much. Have a lovely day, and please, come back and see us soon where we will try very hard to anticipate your needs through telepathy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Look, a picture!

I hear a picture is worth a thousand words. That isn't isn't the case with this one, as I didn't take it. Anyway, there's a picture. Look at it. Thanks!

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

Today I learned how to set you up, making you pleasing to the public eye, and write on your hallowed pages to immortalize myself. I know what you're thinking. You're wanting to know exactly who would care to read anything I have written. You're thinking that not one member of the Internet community would heed my words (wise or not), and that not one single person will ever care to read this page.

Well, Blog, I must say that you're probably right. What could anyone possibly want to read here? Perhaps one would read about current events in the sporting world. But that isn't likely. Maybe one could keep abreast of recent political happenings. Even less likely. No, Blog, what one would find on here is most likely to find would be how to master the art of the sarcastic commentary.

I hope that's okay with you, Blog. If not, you'll have to take your business elsewhere.